Indicator status - Overview
In the overview table, the ratings of the indicators are given according to the status of the previous years. This shows whether the weather symbol for an indicator has been stable or rather volatile in the past years.
The basis for the assessments presented here is the data as published in the 2022 indicator report. The data on this platform is updated regularly, so that more current data may be available online than published in the indicator report.
For indicators with multiple targets to be met over time (e.g., indicator 7.1.b), the ratings for meeting each target are provided. The same applies to indicators with multiple targets to be met simultaneously (e.g., indicator 10.1).
In addition to the currently valid goals of the federal government, the goals are presented that were valid in the past but have been changed in the meantime.
In grayed out form, all weather icons are displayed for destinations that are currently not valid, because
• the target has been changed in the past,
• a goal closer in time must be fulfilled first, or
• the target is only one of several targets to be fulfilled at the same time.
The basis for the assessments presented here is the data as published in the 2022 indicator report. The data on this platform is updated regularly, so that more current data may be available online than published in the indicator report.
Indicators with multiple targets
For indicators with multiple targets to be met over time (e.g., indicator 7.1.b), the ratings for meeting each target are provided. The same applies to indicators with multiple targets to be met simultaneously (e.g., indicator 10.1).
Indicators with target changes
In addition to the currently valid goals of the federal government, the goals are presented that were valid in the past but have been changed in the meantime.
In grayed out form, all weather icons are displayed for destinations that are currently not valid, because
• the target has been changed in the past,
• a goal closer in time must be fulfilled first, or
• the target is only one of several targets to be fulfilled at the same time.
Indicator |
1.1.a Material deprivation |
Year |
Keep the proportion of persons who are materially deprived considerably below the EU-27-level by 2030 |
Status |
The "Life in Europe" survey (EU-SILC), which was previously conducted separately, was integrated into the microcensus as a sub-sample in 2020. Due to the change from a voluntary survey to a survey requiring information in part, combined with a new sample composition, it is not possible to compare the data of the survey year 2020 with previous years to evaluate the development of the indicators in these years (break in time series). |
Indicator |
1.1.b Severe material deprivation |
Year |
Keep the proportion of persons who are severely materially deprived considerably below the EU-27-level by 2030 |
Status |
The "Life in Europe" survey (EU-SILC), which was previously conducted separately, was integrated into the microcensus as a sub-sample in 2020. Due to the change from a voluntary survey to a survey requiring information in part, combined with a new sample composition, it is not possible to compare the data of the survey year 2020 with previous years to evaluate the development of the indicators in these years (break in time series). |
Indicator |
2.1.a Nitrogen surplus in agriculture |
Year |
Reduction of the nitrogen surpluses of the overall balance for Germany to 70 kilograms per hectare of utilised agricultural area on an annual average between 2028 and 2032 |
Status |
Indicator |
2.1.b Organic farming |
Year |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Increase the proportion of organically farmed agricultural land to 30 % by 2030 |
Status |
The target value of the indicator was adjusted to the agreements in the coalition agreement in the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (30 % by 2030) has applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2022) |
Increase the proportion of organically farmed agricultural land to 20 % by 2030 |
Status |
The target year of the indicator was defined in accordance to the coalition agreement as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2018. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (20 % by 2030) had applied to the indicator. It was adjusted again as part of the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. |
Indicator |
2.2 Support for good governance in attaining appropriate nutrition world-wide |
Funds disbursed for the application of the guidelines and recommendations of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to be increased appropriately as a percentage of total spending on food security by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
3.1.a Premature mortality (women) |
Year |
To be reduced to 100 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (women) by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
3.1.b Premature mortality (men) |
Year |
To be reduced to 190 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (men) by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
3.1.c Smoking rate among adolescents |
Year |
Reduction to 7 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
3.1.d Smoking rate among adults |
Year |
Reduction to 19 % by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
3.1.e Obesity rate among children and adolescents |
Increase to be permanently halted |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
3.1.f Obesity rate among adults |
Year |
Increase to be permanently halted |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
3.2.a Emissions of air pollutants |
Year |
Reduction of emissions to 55 % of 2005 level (unweighted average of the five pollutants) by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
3.2.b Share of the population with excessive exposure to PM₁₀ |
Year |
WHO particulate matter guideline value of 20 micrograms/cubic metre for PM₁₀ to be adhered to as widely as possible by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
3.3 Germany’s contribution to global pandemic prevention and response |
Year |
Expenditure to be increased by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
4.1.a Early school leavers |
Year |
(after changing target in 2021) |
Reduce the proportion to 9.5 % by 2030 |
Status |
The target value and year of the indicator were adjusted as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (9.5 % by 2030) has applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2021) |
Reduce the proportion to 10 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Indicator |
4.1.b Persons with an academic or higher vocational qualification (30 to 34-year-olds with a tertiary or post-secondary non-tertiary level of education) |
Year |
(after changing target in 2021) |
Increase the proportion to 55 % by 2030 |
Status |
The target value and year of the indicator were adjusted as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (55 % by 2030) has applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2021) |
Increase the proportion to 24 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Indicator |
4.2.a All-day care provision for 0 to 2-year-old children |
Year |
Increase to 35 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
4.2.b All-day care provision for 3 to 5-year-old children |
Year |
Increase to 60 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
Increase to 70 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
5.1.a Gender pay gap |
Year |
Reduce the gap to 10 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
Maintaining the gap of a maximum of 10 % until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
5.1.b Women in management positions in business |
Year |
30 % women on supervisory boards of listed and fully co-determined companies by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
5.1.c Women in management positions in the federal civil service |
Year |
Equal-opportunity participation of women and men in civil service management positions by 2025 |
Status |
Indicator |
5.1.d Proportion of fathers receiving parental allowance |
Year |
65 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
5.1.e Vocational qualifications of women and girls through German development assistance |
To be increased gradually by a third by 2030 compared to 2015 as the base year |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
6.1.a Phosphorous in flowing waters |
Year |
Not exceeding benchmark values for specific types of water bodies at all monitoring points by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
6.1.b Nitrate in groundwater |
Year |
Compliance with the nitrate threshold value of 50 mg/l at all monitoring points by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
6.2 Number of people gaining first-time or upgraded access to drinking water or sanitation owing to German support |
Year |
(valid until 2019) |
10 million people per year by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
The indicator and the target value were adjusted and differentiated as 6.2.a – Access to drinking water and 6.2.b – Access to sanitation as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021. Since this resolution came into force, the revised targets (6.2.a: 6 million people per year by 2030; 6.2.b: 4 million people per year by 2030) have applied to the indicator. |
Indicator |
6.2.a Number of people gaining first-time or upgraded access to drinking water owing to German support |
6 million people per year by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
6.2.b Number of people gaining first-time or improved access to sanitation owing to German support |
4 million people per year by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
7.1.a Final energy productivity |
Year |
Increase by 2.1 % per year from 2008 to 2050 |
Status |
Indicator |
7.1.b Primary energy consumption |
Year |
Reduction by 20 % by 2020 compared to 2008 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
Reduction by 30 % by 2030 compared to 2008 |
Status |
Reduction by 50 % by 2050 compared to 2008 |
Status |
Indicator |
7.2.a Share of renewable energies in gross final energy consumption |
Year |
Increase to 18 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
Increase to 30 % by 2030 |
Status |
Increase to 45 % by 2040 |
Status |
Increase to 60 % by 2050 |
Status |
Indicator |
7.2.b Share of electricity from renewable energy sources in gross electricity consumption |
Year |
Increase to at least 35 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Increase to at least 80 % by 2030 |
Status |
The target value of the indicator was adjusted to the agreements in the coalition agreement in the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (80 % by 2030) has applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2022) |
Increase to at least 65% by 2030 |
Status |
The target value and year of the indicator were adjusted as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (65 % by 2030) has applied to the indicator. It was adjusted again as part of the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. |
(valid until 2022) |
Greenhouse gas neutrality of electricity generated and consumed in Germany by 2050 |
Status |
(valid until 2021) |
Increase to at least 50 % by 2030 |
Status |
(valid until 2021) |
Increase to at least 65 % by 2040 |
Status |
(valid until 2021) |
Increase to at least 80 % by 2050 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.1 Raw material input productivity |
Year |
Trend of the years 2000–2010 to be maintained until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.2.a Government deficit |
Year |
Annual government deficit less than 3 % of GDP, to be maintained until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.2.b Structural deficit |
Year |
Structurally balanced government budget, general government structural deficit must not exceed 0.5 % of GDP, to be maintained until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.2.c Government debt |
Year |
Ratio of government debt to GDP must not exceed 60 %, to be maintained until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.3 Gross fixed capital formation in relation to GDP |
Year |
Appropriate development of the ratio, to be maintained until 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.4 Gross domestic product per capita |
Year |
Steady and appropriate economic growth |
Status |
Indicator |
8.5.a Employment rate (20 to 64-year-olds) |
Year |
Increase to 78 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.5.b Employment rate (60 to 64-year-olds) |
Year |
Increase to 60 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
8.6 Members of the Textile Partnership |
Year |
Significantly increase by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
9.1.a Private and public expenditure on research and development |
Year |
(after changing target in 2018) |
At least 3.5 % of GDP per year by 2025 |
Status |
The target value of the indicator was adjusted as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2018. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (3.5 % by 2025) has applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2018) |
At least 3 % of GDP per year by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
9.1.b Roll-out of broadband – Share of households with access to gigabit broadband services |
Universal gigabit network Roll-out by 2025 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
10.1 Foreign school graduates |
Year |
Increase the proportion of foreign school leavers with a least a secondary general school certificate and bring into line with that of German school leavers by 2030 |
Status |
Increase the proportion of foreign school leavers with a least a secondary general school certificate |
Status |
Bring the proportion of foreign school leavers with a least a secondary general school certificate into line with that of German school leavers by 2030 |
Status |
The two targets of "increasing the proportion of foreign school leavers with at least a secondary school leaving certificate" and "aligning the proportion with the proportion of German school leavers" are to be met in parallel, so that for the overall evaluation of the indicator the individual evaluations are combined by adopting the "worse" weather symbol in each case. |
Indicator |
10.2 Gini coefficient of income after social transfers |
Year |
Gini coefficient of income after social transfers to be below the EU-27 figure by 2030 |
Status |
The "Life in Europe" survey (EU-SILC), which was previously conducted separately, was integrated into the microcensus as a sub-sample in 2020. Due to the change from a voluntary survey to a survey requiring information in part, combined with a new sample composition, it is not possible to compare the data of the survey year 2020 with previous years to evaluate the development of the indicators in these years (break in time series). |
Indicator |
11.1.a Expansion of settlement and transport area |
Year |
Reduction to under 30 ha on average per day by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
11.1.b Loss of open space area |
Year |
Reduce the loss of per capita open space area |
Status |
Indicator |
11.1.c Density of settlements |
Year |
No reduction in density of settlements |
Status |
Indicator |
11.2.a Final energy consumption in goods transport |
Year |
Reduction by 15–20 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
11.2.b Final energy consumption in passenger transport |
Year |
Reduction by 15–20 % by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
11.2.c Accessibility of medium-sized and large cities by public transport |
Reduction of average travel time by public transport |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
11.3 Housing cost overload |
Year |
Reduce the proportion of people who are overburdened to 13 % by 2030 |
Status |
The "Life in Europe" survey (EU-SILC), which was previously conducted separately, was integrated into the microcensus as a sub-sample in 2020. Due to the change from a voluntary survey to a survey requiring information in part, combined with a new sample composition, it is not possible to compare the data of the survey year 2020 with previous years to evaluate the development of the indicators in these years (break in time series). |
Indicator |
11.4 Number of objects in the German Digital Library |
Year |
Increase in the number of objects in the network of the German Digital Library to 50 million by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
12.1.a Market share of products certified by publicly managed eco-labelling schemes |
Year |
Increase the market share to 34 % by 2030 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator | Global environmental impact by private household consumption – use of raw materials |
Year |
Steady reduction |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator | Global environmental impact by private household consumption – energy consumption |
Year |
Steady reduction |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Assessment will be carried out later |
Indicator |
12.1.bc Global environmental impact by private household consumption – CO₂ emissions |
Year |
Steady reduction |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Assessment will be carried out later |
Indicator |
12.2 EMAS eco-management |
Year |
5,000 locations of organisation by 2030 |
Status |
Indicator |
12.3.a Paper bearing the Blue Angel label as a proportion of the total paper consumption of the direct federal administration |
Year |
Increase the proportion to 95 % by 2020 |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
12.3.b CO₂ emissions of commercially available vehicles in the public sector |
Year |
Significantly reduce |
Status |
No assessment possible |
Indicator |
13.1.a Greenhouse gas emissions |
Year |
Reduce by at least 40 % by 2020 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
Omission of 2020 target due to expiration of time. |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Reduce by at least 65 % by 2030 |
Status |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Reduce by at least 88 % by 2040 |
Status |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Greenhouse gas neutrality to be achieved by 2045 |
Status |
The target values and years of the indicator were adjusted to the agreements in the coalition agreement in the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. Since this resolution came into force, the revised targets (65 % by 2030, 88 % by 2040, Greenhouse-gas neutrality by 2045) have applied to the indicator. |
(valid until 2022) |
Reduce by at least 55 % by 2030 |
Status |
(valid until 2022) |
Greenhouse gas neutrality to be achieved by 2050 |
Status |
The target of the indicator was adjusted as part of the update of the German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (Greenhouse-gas neutrality) had applied to the indicator. It was adjusted again as part of the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. |
(valid until 2021) |
Reduce by at least 70 % by 2040 |
Status |
(valid until 2021) |
Reduce by at least 80 % to 95 % by 2050 |
Status |
Indicator |
13.1.b International climate finance for the reduction of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change |
Year |
Double finance by 2020 compared to 2014 |
Status |
Assessment ended |
A doubling of international climate finance from 2014 corresponds to an increase to 4 billion euro. |
(after changing target in 2022) |
Increase international climate finance to at least 6 billion euros by 2025 at the latest. |
Status |
The target value and year of the indicator were adjusted to the agreements in the coalition agreement in the Policy Decision 2022 concerning the German Sustainable Development Strategy. Since this resolution came into force, the revised target (6 billion euros by 2025 at the latest) has applied to the indicator. |
Indicator |
14.1.aa Nitrogen input via the inflows into the Baltic Sea |
Year |
Adherence to good quality in accordance with the Ordinance on the Protection of Surface Waters (Oberflächengewässerver-ordnung) (annual averages for total nitro-gen in rivers flowing into the Baltic may not exceed 2.6 mg/l) |
Status |
Indicator |
14.1.ab Nitrogen input via the inflows into the North Sea |
Year |