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Data source: AG Energiebilanzen e.V.

Geographical Area: Germany

This table includes additional information to the above visualized indicators, i.e. a short definition of this indicator and a description of the politically determined target values as well as explaining the political intention behind selecting this indicator.


The indicator “Final energy productivity” shows the trend of value added per unit of final energy used. The concept of “final energy” refers to the part of the energy that is used energetically in terms of thermal or electric energy in the production sectors for the manufacturing of goods or by households.
The indicator ”Primary energy consumption” specifies how much energy was consumed by a country in the energy sectors for conversion purposes on the one hand, and by production activities, transport and households on the other.

Target and intention

Along with the expansion of renewable energies, the reduction of energy consumption through increased energy efficiency represents the second supporting pillar of the energy transition. The goal is to achieve a high level of economic output while using as little energy as possible. Saving energy protects the climate and the environment, it helps to improve the security of supply and the industrial competitiveness.
According to the Federal Government’s energy concept, final energy productivity is to be increased by 2.1 % annually or 139 % in total in the period 2008 to 2050. At the same time, primary energy consumption is to be reduced by 20 % by 2020, by 30 % by 2030, and by 50 % by 2050, compared with 2008.

Data status

The data published in the indicator report 2022 is as of 31 October 2022. The data shown on this platform was last updated in September 2024, so that more current data may be available online than published in the indicator report 2022.

Text from the Indicator Report 2022 

Final energy consumption and primary energy consumption are directly related to one another. Final energy consumption is primary energy consumption less total losses from transformation, flaring and distribution and the statistical difference.

Primary energy consumption is the sum of domestically extracted primary energy sources, use of stocks and all imported energy sources minus storage, energy exports and marine bunkers. The main basis for the calculation of energy consumption comprises the data on energy balances from the Energy Balance Association (AGEB), which are supplemented with data from other sources.

Final energy productivity means how much added value accrues from each unit of final energy used. It constitutes a measurement of energy efficiency in the production of goods and in household energy use. However, estimates of energy efficiency in the transformation process (plant efficiency) or in the transmission of energy (elimination of leakages, improved heat insulation, etc.) cannot be directly inferred from the indicator.

According to preliminary results, final energy productivity in the period 2008 to 2021 increased by 19.5 %, equating to an average annual increase of 1.4 %. This means that the goal of an annual increase of 2.1 % on average up to 2050 has not yet been achieved. In the year-on-year comparison, energy productivity for 2021 has even fallen by 0.6 percentage points. If the development of the preceding five years continues, the final energy productivity will presumably increase by 73.2 % until 2050. Thus, the target value would be missed by 65.8 percentage points. An average annual increase of final energy production by 2.4 % is required in order to meet the target set for 2050.

Primary energy consumption decreased to 82.7 % in 2020 and missed the reduction target of 20 % by 2020. According to preliminary results, the primary energy consumption increased in 2021 by 3.6 % percentage points in comparison to 2020. The total reduction of primary energy consumption fell by 13.7 % in the period from 2008 to 2021. If development remains the same as in the previous years, the target value of 30 % by 2030 will not be achieved.

The synoptic table provides information about the evaluation of the indicator in previous years. It shows if the weather symbol assigned to an indicator was rather stable or volatile in the past years. (Evaluation of the Indicator Report 2022 )


7.1.a Final energy productivity


Increase by 2.1 % per year from 2008 to 2050






Evaluation <p>Wolke</p>

7.1.b Primary energy consumption


Reduction by 20 % by 2020, by 30 % by 2030, and by 50 % by 2050, all compared to 2008






Evaluation <p>Wolke</p>
<p>Leicht bewölkt</p>