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This table includes additional information to the above visualized indicators, i.e. a short definition of this indicator and a description of the politically determined target values as well as explaining the political intention behind selecting this indicator.


Indicator 15.3.a shows the results-based payments by Germany to developing and emerging countries for the verified preservation or restoration of forests under the REDD+ rulebook (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). REDD+ is an international concept which financially rewards governments and local communities in developing countries for reducing deforestation and thereby demonstrably cutting emissions. Contributions are paid in line with the scale of the emissions reduction measured or the amount of additional carbon sequestered.
Indicator 15.3.b covers Germany’s gross bilateral development expenditure in connection with the implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification in developing and emerging countries.

Target and intention

Preventing deforestation and forest degradation (damage), managing forests sustainably, restoring forests and creating new woodland all directly and indirectly help to maintain biodiversity, improve soil, water and air quality, reduce soil erosion, cut CO₂ emissions, sequester carbon, and safeguard important prospects of development and income-generation for forest-rich countries. The aim is to keep increasing payments under the REDD+ rulebook until 2030. Healthy soils are an essential natural resource that is extremely difficult if not impossible to renew. They play a pivotal role in food production, the mitigation of the effects of frequent and extreme weather events, the conservation of biodiversity and the provision of essential ecosystem services. The goal is therefore to continuously increase Germany’s contribution to international soil protection until 2030. At the international level, combating desertification is one of the topics of the three Rio Conventions, alongside biodiversity and climate change.

Data status

Der Indikatorenbericht 2022 hat den Datenstand 31.10.2022. Die Daten auf dieser Plattform werden regelmäßig aktualisiert, sodass online aktuellere Daten verfügbar sein können als im Indikatorenbericht 2022 veröffentlicht.

Text from the Indicator Report 2022 

Indicator 15.3.a is based on the rulebook for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, or REDD+. The data have been collected annually since 2008. The data sources for the indicator are the financial reports compiled by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. Duplicate counting is avoided by means of the mandatory establishment of a register.

The overall trend of the five preceding years is positive. During the 2009-2017 reporting period, results-based payments rose from 3.0 million euros to 68.0 million euros. In 2019, payments were at 63.5 million euros, however, in 2020 payments decreased to less than half of the previous year (24.2 million euros). The funds were almost completely paid to the multilateral program “Green Climate Fund (GCF) Pilot Programme for REDD+”. Most of the other projects are finalised in the meantime. Generally, committed funds precede payments. The total number of committed funds for international forest conservation were at 301.6 million euros in 2020. The advancing deforestation in the most important partner countries in the Amazon region in the last few years aggravate issuance of new confirmations for results-based payments under the REDD+ rulebook.

The data source for indicator 15.3.b is the statistics on German official development assistance which are compiled by the Federal Statistical Office on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Relevant projects are any which target to combat desertification or to mitigate the effects of droughts by preventing or reducing soil degradation, restoring degraded land or recultivating desert regions. However, the amounts paid give no indication as to the actual development of soil quality.

Gross development expenditure to combat desertification worldwide rose strongly in the reporting period starting in 2009. The indicator has developed positively with regard to the target set, although latter decreased in 2020 for the first time since 2014. Gross expenditure was most recently recorded at 703.5 million euros for 2020, an 18 fold increase on the equivalent figure for 2009. A similar trend is discernible in the funds committed, which were most recently recorded at 938.1 million euros.

Development spending under the REDD+ rulebook and in the context of the UNCCD is part of climate finance (indicator 13.1.b) and of official development assistance (indicator 17.1).

The synoptic table provides information about the evaluation of the indicator in previous years. It shows if the weather symbol assigned to an indicator was rather stable or volatile in the past years. (Evaluation of the Indicator Report 2022 )


15.3.a REDD+ (results-based payments for international protection of forests)


Increase payments by 2030






Evaluation <p>Sonne</p>
<p>Leicht bewölkt</p>
<p>Leicht bewölkt</p>

15.3.b International soil protection (gross development assistance for international soil protection)


Increase payments by 2030






Evaluation <p>Sonne</p>
<p>Leicht bewölkt</p>